Visitor Rowing with SCRC

If you are an adult rower visiting Pittsburgh, we’d love to welcome you to our beautiful stretch of the Allegheny River.

Visiting Rower Requirements

  • Be a skilled, adult rower with prior on-water experience (for water practices)

  • Complete an Interest Form with details of your visit and interests

  • Sign our Digital Waiver

  • Wait for us to contact you, or Email Us to be connected to the appropriate coach for the date(s) of your visit

  • Sign into group practices in advance, if instructed by a coach/admin

  • If payment is required, please follow the instructions on our Payment Page

Visitor Rowing Fees

  • $35 out-of-town drop-in (water practice)

  • $15 out-of-town drop-in (indoor practice)

  • Unless otherwise approved, guest visits are limited to 5 per year