Board of Directors

Rick Malmstrom (president)

Sherri Hickernell (secretary)

Joe Setting (treasurer)

Will Brown

Janice Bryant

Sharon Dilworth

Joe Stehle

Suz Maddamma

Latonya Salley-Sharif


By request of SCRC Members, the Board of Directors voted on 4/7/22 to publicly share our Meeting Minutes. By sharing these documents, we hope to promote transparency and accountability between the Board and the broader community. You may email the Board with questions or comments.


Our current Bylaws were adopted in April 2024, after having been updated by an ad-hoc committee to better reflect SCRC’s current governance structure and organizational purpose.

Make A Difference

Interested in helping us grow? We are looking for board candidates with Fundraising, Legal, and Marketing expertise. If interested, please email our Executive Director or Board of Directors.